Paola Chapter II


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Summary of the series: Paola lives an idyllic life. She is married to Juan Carlos, a snobby, successful lawyer, future partner in the most prestigious law firm in the country. She knows her husband is a jealous man and during a casual conversation she asks him what he would do if she ever cheated on him, he responds by telling her that he would cheat back to her ten times in revenge. When Paola finds out that Juan Carlos is cheating on her, she decides to get revenge the same way he would. But she won’t do it just with anybody, the lucky ones will be those men that her husband hates. Watch out! Paola is out to war!

Summary of the chapter: Paola lives in the sorrow of knowing that she is a betrayed woman. However, she finds the strength to win back her dignity by gathering strength from the intense hate she feels for Juan Carlos, the man who betrayed her love and her marriage. The troubled woman will set a plan in motion that will lead her to get to know herself and discover that she has a big world of pleasures to discover as a woman. But every game is hard. In this chapter the sizzling and determinate Paola will start putting together her strategy, choosing the first lucky ones that will get to possess the woman of Juan Carlos Mecci.

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